Image of a woman entering data into an old mainframe computer.

Generative AI Prompt Library for Staff and Faculty

Welcome to the Generative AI Prompt Library, designed to help faculty and staff at Ozarks Tech integrate AI tools into their daily work. This page provides practical, customizable prompts for tools like ChatGPT, Microsoft Copilot, Anthropic Claude, and others, empowering you to enhance productivity and creativity in tasks ranging from drafting emails to creating lesson plans.

To get started, explore the prompts in the tabbed sections below—Staff or Faculty—based on your role. Each prompt can be easily adapted by specifying your task or context. For the best possible output results, include as much information as possible (context, examples, data, files, etc.). Simply copy, paste, and tweak the example prompts to suit your specific needs and the AI tool you’re using. This Getting Started with Prompts for Text-Based Generative AI Tools Guide is a good quick-reference resource to learn how to refine your prompts.

Email Follow-Up

You are an administrative assistant. Write a polite follow-up email to [Recipient Name] regarding [Subject]. Ask for an update by [specific date] and maintain a professional but friendly tone. Ensure the output is clear and concise. Do not fabricate information. Ask me any questions needed to create the best quality output.

Revise for clarity, concision, and readability

Revise the following text for clarity, concision, and readability [insert your writing]

Formal Meeting Agenda

You are a meeting coordinator. Generate a formal agenda for the [Department] meeting on [Date] with a duration of 1 hour. Include a welcome, [discussion topics] (with time allocations), and a Q&A at the end. Ensure the output is clear and concise. Create the agenda in table format. Do not fabricate information. Ask me any questions needed to create the best quality output.

Memo Writing

You are a department manager. Draft a memo for [Team/Department] outlining the new procedure for [specific task]. Include key action items and make sure the steps are easy to understand. Ensure the output is clear and concise. Do not fabricate information. Ask me any questions needed to create the best quality output.

Summary of Long Documents

You are a policy analyst. Summarize this [10-page] report into an executive summary. Focus only on key findings, recommendations, and action steps. Exclude minor points, and ensure the output is clear and concise. Do not fabricate information. Ask me any questions needed to create the best quality output.

Email for Project Updates

You are a project manager. Write an email to [Recipient Name] providing an update on [Project Name]. Summarize the progress made, list completed tasks and note any upcoming deadlines. Ensure the output is clear and concise. Do not fabricate information. Ask me any questions needed to create the best quality output.

Procedural Guide

You are a process improvement specialist. Create a step-by-step guide for [specific task], ensuring each step is easy to follow for someone unfamiliar with the process. Include any necessary prerequisites or tools needed. Ensure the output is clear and concise. Do not fabricate information. Ask me any questions needed to create the best quality output.

Comparative Analysis

You are a business analyst. Analyze the differences between [Topic A] and [Topic B], focusing on [specific criteria]. Provide a comparison table highlighting key distinctions, and ensure the output is clear and concise. Do not fabricate information. Ask me any questions needed to create the best quality output.

Data Visualization Request

You are a data analyst. Create a request for the data analysis team, asking them to visualize [specific data] from [time period]. Specify that the visualization should include a [bar chart, line graph, pie chart] comparing [variables]. Ensure the output is clear and concise. Do not fabricate information. Ask me any questions needed to create the best quality output.

Meeting Recap Email

You are a team lead. Draft a summary email to all attendees of the [Meeting Name] held on [Date]. Include the main decisions made, action items with deadlines, and any follow-up tasks. Ensure the output is clear and concise. Do not fabricate information. Ask me any questions needed to create the best quality output.

Policy Brief

You are a policy advisor. Write a policy brief on [Topic], focusing on [three specific areas]. Provide recommendations at the end based on the analysis. Ensure the output is clear and concise. Do not fabricate information. Ask me any questions needed to create the best quality output.

Data-Driven Report

You are a financial analyst. Create a report based on [Dataset], focusing on the performance of [specific department] over the last quarter. Include visual representations of the data and a conclusion summarizing the results. Ensure the output is clear and concise. Do not fabricate information. Ask me any questions needed to create the best quality output.

Task Delegation Email

You are a team supervisor. Compose an email assigning [Task] to [Team Member Name]. Clearly outline the task requirements, deadline, and any necessary resources. Ensure the output is clear and concise. Do not fabricate information. Ask me any questions needed to create the best quality output.

Customer Service Response

You are a customer service representative. Write a response to a customer complaint regarding [Issue]. Acknowledge the problem and offer a solution or next steps. Maintain an empathetic but professional tone, and ensure the output is clear and concise. Do not fabricate information. Ask me any questions needed to create the best quality output.

Presentation Outline

You are a subject matter expert. Create an outline for a 10-minute presentation on [Topic]. The outline should include an introduction, main points, and a conclusion, with time allocations for each section. Ensure the output is clear and concise. Do not fabricate information. Ask me any questions needed to create the best quality output.

Action Plan

You are a project coordinator. Draft an action plan for [Project Name], outlining the steps needed to complete the [insert project information]. Each step should include a description, the team responsible, and a deadline. Ensure the output is clear and concise. Do not fabricate information. Ask me any questions needed to create the best quality output.

Grant Proposal

You are a professional grant writer. Using the following grant application information [insert grant description, criteria, scoring guide, etc.], create an excellent and comprehensive grant application and complete each section required for the grant using the data provided here [Your proposal information, data, other relevant submission information]. Exclude detailed budget or timeline information, and ensure the output is clear and concise. Do not fabricate information. Ask me any questions needed to create the best quality output.

Research Request

You are a research coordinator. Write a research request to [Department] asking for data on [specific topic]. Specify that the report should include data from [specific time range] and provide key insights or trends. Ensure the output is clear and concise. Do not fabricate information. Ask me any questions needed to create the best quality output.

Short-Term Goals Email

You are the department head. Draft an email to your team outlining short-term goals for the next quarter related to [specific project or department]. Each goal should have a specific metric for measuring success. Ensure the output is clear and concise. Do not fabricate information. Ask me any questions needed to create the best quality output.

Task Prioritization Guide

You are a team leader. Create a prioritization guide for the [specific team] to help them manage tasks more efficiently. List common tasks, prioritize them based on urgency, and briefly explain each priority level. Ensure the output is clear and concise. Do not fabricate information. Ask me any questions needed to create the best quality output.

Annual Report Section

You are a communications officer. Draft a section for the annual report on the performance of [specific team/department]. Include a summary of accomplishments, visual performance data, and a section on areas for improvement. Ensure the output is clear and concise. Do not fabricate information. Ask me any questions needed to create the best quality output.

Out-of-Office Reply (Contributor: Stephanie Davenport)

I am a community college [staff title]. Write an out-of-office message for [holiday, vacation, college closure, etc].

The following prompts were developed by Dr. Cynthia Alby, Georgia College and State University, and are shared with her permission. See AI Prompts for Teaching_ A Spellbook for additional notes about these prompts. Note: It is important to check generative AI output for accuracy.

Revise to Improve Clarity

Revise this piece to make it more [clear, succinct, have a more creative or expert tone]. Here is what I’ve written so far: [insert].

Improve Your Syllabus

Consider the research on the ‘warm’ or ‘invitational’ course syllabus. Then give me ten ideas for making mine more warm and invitational. Here is the syllabus: [paste].

Writing Course-Level Goals

Please revise the goals I’ve written so that even students who may not be initially excited by the course will view these goals as desirable, clear, and understandable. Utilize Fink’s ‘taxonomy of significant learning’ and use the sentence stem ‘Years from now you should be able to…’

Break a Course into Units

I am teaching a course on [x] for level [y]. The course is [A] weeks long and meets [B] hours per week. What would be a reasonable way to break this course into between 4 and 8 units of study?

Backward Design Unit Planning

I am planning a [number of days] unit. The course is a [level] [subject] course. Please answer the following questions: Why might this topic be important to students? How might this topic be relevant to their lives?

Create Engaging Daily Lesson Plans

You are an expert lesson plan writer. I’d like you to write an example lesson plan for [level] students on [topic]. The class period is [length]. The objective is [specific learning objective].

Summative Performance Task Design

Create 3 different performance tasks on [topic] using the GRASPS framework from Wiggins and McTighe.

Create Simple Diagnostic Quizzes

You are a quiz creator of highly diagnostic quizzes. What type of questions do you want and how many?

Mock Job Interviewing Role Play

You are the hiring manager for a [job title] position. Conduct a mock interview with me asking 10 common questions plus a couple of curveballs.

Classroom Assessment Techniques

At the end of this unit, I would like feedback from my students on how well the unit helped them learn. What are ten questions you recommend that I ask?

Generate Engaging Writing Prompts

Give me [number] writing prompts for [grade level] students on the topic of [X] that will encourage cognitive writing skills.

Create Interactive Learning Games

Give me [number] ideas for gamifying the topic [X] for [level] students. The gamification could be group quests, puzzles, role-plays, simulations, practical missions, etc.

Summarize Lengthy Documents

Summarize the attached document in a 100-word summary and analysis of each chapter. Focus on [specific aspects].

Translation for Supporting English Language Learners

Translate the following text into [specific dialect/language]. Here is the piece: [paste].

Generating Alt Text for Accessibility (Contributor: Stephanie Davenport)

I am a community college instructor that is redesigning a course. I need alt text for several images. The alt text should be written at an 8th grade level and follow best practices for creating alt text for visually impaired students.  Confirm that you understand the parameters and then I will upload an image. [Upload Image]

Revising Assignment Instructions for Appropriate AI Use (Contributor: Stephanie Davenport)

I need to revise directions for an assignment. The revision should include directions that state AI use is acceptable and should include guidelines for using AI to answer questions about a journal article that is provided by the instructor. Confirm that you will complete this task and then I will provide the current directions.

Revising Assignment Directions (Contributor: Stephanie Davenport)

I am teacher that is needing to revise my assignments for students that can read at an 8th grade level. This includes clarifying terms and providing more specific directions. Please include a statement that points are earned for correct answers and that turning in an assignment does not guarantee that points will be earned. Also include the following statement: Late submissions will be accepted for up to 3 days after the due date with a 10% penalty per day. Confirm that you are ready for the first item.

*I use “lets move on to the next assignment” to prompt it for the next assignment.

Creating a Data Set (Contributor: Stephanie Davenport)

Create a data set that has 50 rows for the following assignment. Michelle collects questionnaire data from 40 college students to assess whether they have a positive attitude toward political campaigns. She asks them to rate five statements about campaigns on a 5 points scale (1=disagree to 5=agree). She also has information on respondents political party affiliation (1=Republicans and 2=Democrat). The items on the scale are below: att1 – Use of inappropriate tactics in campaign strategies att2 – Candidates address the issues att3 – Accurate presentation of candidates political agenda att4 – Focus on issues relevant to the average citizen att5 – Honesty in making campaign promises politic – political party affiliation

Exit Ticket Creation (Contributor: Stephanie Davenport)

Write an exit ticket using the 3-2-1 method over [topic]. It should be written at an 8th grade level and include directions that each question needs to have 1-2 sentences as answer.

Out-of-Office Reply (Contributor: Stephanie Davenport)

I am a community college [discipline] instructor. Write an out-of-office message for [holiday, vacation, college closure, etc].