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Backward Design


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Backward Design: The Basics (Links to an external site.)

Backward Design

Backward design is an approach to instructional planning that starts with the end goal, then works backward from there. There are three major phases to developing a lesson using backward design, Developing Objectives, Aligning Assessments, and Designing to Deliver.

Steps in Backward Design

  1. Develop Objectives
  2. Develop Assessment(s)
  3. Design to Deliver

Developing Objectives

Start with the Objectives. What do you want students to accomplish? When developing your objectives, think about what students really need to walk away with. Do they need to be able to perform a task, explain a concept, or identify information?

Aligning Assessments

How will you know students have accomplished the objective? When developing your assessments, be sure to ask yourself, does this really show me the objective has been accomplished? If the objective is for students to be able to perform an oil change, a multiple-choice test cannot show you if they can actually do it. It can tell you that they can identify the steps in the procedure but not that they can do it.