Resources involving the creation or presentation of information for a class. Examples include how to create effective instructional videos and chunking.

Leveraging Canvas for Student Learning [LVL]

Resource PreviewPlease click below to access the full resource. If you need access, go to the Course Enrollment Page BelowGo To Full Resource Now One of the best ways to maximize your seated course time is to utilize Canvas, OTC’s learning management system (LMS), for activities that can be done outside of class.  This approach…

An Introduction to Hybrid Teaching [LVL]

Resource PreviewPlease click below to access the full resource. If you need access, go to the Course Enrollment Page BelowGo To Full Resource Now An Introduction to Hybrid Teaching Whether you’re teaching a mixed group of in-person and on-screen students, hybrid, or a flipped classroom model, effective teaching is complex and requires thoughtful planning. While…