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This resource is part of a larger Canvas Course: Delivering Flexible Courses (DFC). A Resource Preview follows. Please click “Go To Resource” below to access the full resource. You must be logged in to MyOTC to access. If you still do not have access, please “Go to Course Enrollment Page” with the button below.

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How You Might Use It

Hexagonal Discussions

If you like card sorts, you’ll love hexagonal discussions. In a nutshell, students are given a set of hexagons. Each has a concept, title, name, place, etc. in the center. Students arrange the hexagons to illustrate meaningful connections between the words in the center of each. Students then provide a rationale for their arrangement. They explain the connections they’ve illustrated.

The instructional value of this strategy is through the roof. Critical thinking, check. Student choice, it’s in there. Authentic assessment, absolutely. Talk about flexibility! It could be done synchronously or asynchronously. It would work as an individual, small group, or whole class activity. This strategy would pair well with Miro. If you’re having students work in groups or you’re doing a whole class activity and trying to stay physically distanced, this could be the ticket.

Miro Free Educator Application

In ECD-215 STEAM in Early Childhood Education, students use Miro to create a concept map for their STEAM Curriculum Semester Project. Miro helped students to make connections between various concepts in the course and uses the power of visualization to make learning come to life. Below are a couple of examples of concept maps that students created in this course.

This example shows a concept map based on a student’s STEAM Curriculum Project in ECD-215 STEAM in Early Childhood Education.