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Why Put Content in Canvas?

Providing students access to learning materials and resources in Canvas is an excellent practice regardless of teaching modality.  Students have 24/7 access to your assignments, assessments, and other resources in the event of a college closure or pivot to remote instruction. Providing learning materials and instructional content in Canvas also supports students who may be absent from class. Additionally, assignments, quizzes, and discussions can be submitted electronically, providing a digital record and eliminating the need to manage paper submissions. Online submissions can also be graded efficiently using the Canvas Speedgrader.

What is an Instructional Unit?

Whether you call it a lesson, module, chapter, week, or topic, each instructional unit in your course can easily be organized using the Modules feature in Canvas. Each instructional unit should contain five basic components:

  • Introduction to the Unit
  • Objectives
  • Required Readings
  • Instructional Content
  • Assessment

Introduction to the Unit

Introduce the unit to give students an overview of topics they will be learning.


Unit objectives give students a sense of direction for their learning; they define the purpose of the instructional unit. Effective learning objectives should be clear and measurable.

Readings & Resources

  • Assigned textbook readings
  • Attached articles and case studies
  • Links to web resources or videos

Instructional Content

Instructional content is information included in your course that will direct students in their learning. Examples may include instructor-created resources or videos that provide context and understanding around topics covered in readings and other resources. When possible, provide relevant, real-world examples and case studies to help students make the connection to the world around them. In short, instructional content is the instructor’s course contributions that will guide students to the achievement of lesson objectives.


Assessments should be designed to measure the achievement of, or progress toward, learning objectives.  In Canvas, assessments can take several forms, including, but not limited to: discussions, assignments, and quizzes.