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Make Space for Informal Exchanges

active learning experiences, building relationships, and student engagementTake advantage of those precious minutes before class starts and after it ends to engage with your students and have informal conversations. Make mental notes of things they share with you and ask them about it the next you see them. These small moments can often lead to a big impact. Leverage technology to keep in contact with students outside of the classroom. Use Remind to send out a quick reminder the day before class and send a quick message to students who were absent – “Missed you today. How are things going?” These simple informal exchanges can mean the world to your students and impact their success and not just in your course.

Design to Deliver

Evaluate your course content and the learning objectives you want students to demonstrate knowledge of in your course. With that in mind, consider the best way for students to engage with the content, engage with each other, and engage with you. Thinking about the way that students learn best will help you to determine the appropriate engagement strategy for an assignment/assessment/activity.

Read more about active learning experiences in the ASSESSMENT – Authentic Assessment Strategies section of this course.