How You Might Use It
Online Guest Speakers
At several points during the semester, a guest expert would record a short video on a topic related to the course. Students would use FlipGrid to record questions for the guest expert on their topic and the guest expert would respond using FlipGrid.
Early in the semester, students learn about the ethical standards of social work. Students are prompted to consider whether or how they will interact with social media as a social work professional. OTC’s own Laura French served as our guest expert. She recorded a short video discussing the use of social media and implications for professionals. Students recorded questions for Laura and she responded using FlipGrid.
Later in the semester, students learned about the unique social work concerns related to older adults. Again, we tapped an expert from within OTC. Eloise Thomas served as our expert on aging.
Interactions with multiple experts provide students with additional perspectives on important issues in the class. The activities were ungraded and well participated in with multiple students asking questions over the two week period they were open for questions.
Role Play
Throughout the semester, students follow 6 simulated clients (Links to an external site.). They are presented with short videos depicting client scenarios. They respond to the scenario as if they were addressing the client or community partner as a social worker using FlipGrid. They are evaluated on the appropriateness of the content of their response as well as their attending skills, that is the way they interact with their clients.