This resource is part of a larger Canvas Course: Preparing to Pivot (P2P). A Resource Preview follows. Please click “Go To Resource” below to access the full resource. You must be logged in to MyOTC to access. If you still do not have access, please “Go to Course Enrollment Page” with the button below.
Resource Preview:
Welcome Announcement
Announcements are an excellent way to welcome students to your course, provide weekly updates, share current events related to your topic, and generally keep your students informed throughout the semester. A welcome announcement should be in place prior to students having access to your course(s).
Note: Announcements posted in Canvas will automatically send an email to your students’ OTC email inbox. This makes Canvas Announcements an effective tool to keep students informed through both Canvas and their OTC email throughout the semester.
Any images or videos you embed in an announcement will not be included in the email notification students receive. They’ll have to enter the course and navigate to the actual announcement to see those. If you add important images or videos to your announcements, be sure to include instructions that let students know they should open the announcement in Canvas to view them.
When you have created an Announcement in at least one of your courses, click the Mark as done button on this page.