This resource is part of a larger Canvas Course: Delivering Flexible Courses (DFC). A Resource Preview follows. Please click “Go To Resource” below to access the full resource. You must be logged in to MyOTC to access. If you still do not have access, please “Go to Course Enrollment Page” with the button below.
Resource Preview:
The tips and strategies in this module will outline the benefits of incorporating video into your teaching practice. You will learn different ways in which videos can be used to engage students without sacrificing an inordinate amount of time or increasing your stress level. If you are on or near the Springfield campus, you may want to reserve our new Instructional Media Studio (Links to an external site.).
By the end of this module, you will:
- Understand how video can be used to effectively engage your students
- Know how to find relevant, accessible video content
- Know how to create your own instructional videos
Before you start this module, think about the technology students may be using (smartphone, tablet, laptop, desktop), and how these different devices can affect how (or if) students are accessing your learning content. Also, think about students with visual, auditory, or cognitive impairments. If a student cannot view your videos, will content be provided in another way to allow them to participate in the class?