There are several places to look for video content for the topic you are teaching. If you need help finding video resources, reach out to our excellent library staff (Links to an external site.).
Videos that are already closed-captioned are preferred. Before selecting your videos, make sure that they are closed-captioned for accessibility. Look for the “cc” option at the bottom of the video window.
YouTube (Links to an external site.) is a great source for all kinds of videos from tutorials, mini-lectures, virtual field trips, and historic speeches; however, finding what you need can often feel like looking for a needle in a haystack. To refine your search, consider visiting one of the YouTube channels below, or search for channels that contain videos for your topic.
YouTube Channels
Crash Course (Links to an external site.) (educational videos on a variety of topics)
C.G.P Grey (Links to an external site.) (short explanatory videos on a variety of topics)
Thomas Frank (Links to an external site.) (study skills and time management)
Veritasium (Links to an external site.) (science)
Vsauce (Links to an external site.)(science and the brain)
AsapSCIENCE (Links to an external site.) (science)
ExpertVillage (Links to an external site.) (how-to’s)